Category: Uncategorized

  • Matters of Consequence: Journey to 30

    Matters of Consequence: Journey to 30

    Tick, Tick… Boom! A Race Against Time Our lives are fleeting, and we often find ourselves rushing through them as if time were our enemy. Tick, Tick… Boom!, a musical starring Andrew Garfield (yes, the Spiderman, and yes he can sing REALLY WELL), captures this relentless pursuit of success in a poignant and thought-provoking manner.…

  • I Don’t Understand Fitness Business

    P.S. if you see this post as if I’m rambling. Yes. I just need to dump my thoughts. Cant sleep hu hu. Recently I just saw this article of FTL (Link) getting 5 mio USD or around 78 bio Rupiah in terms of venture debt. First of all, this is quite interesting as there are…

  • Moving Forward Not Moving On

    Moving Forward Not Moving On

    In the past few days, my feed has been filled with the “Gala Bunga Matahari” trend. In this trend, people share their experiences of losing loved ones. Watching these stories can be incredibly emotional, especially if you’ve gone through something similar. Some people compare their grief to others’, some find it strange to share such…

  • Compassion Moves The World

    Compassion Moves The World

    Imagine this: sophomore year, college. I’m pumped to join the orientation committee, ready to be a mentor for new student. We trained hard, pushed our limits – think boot camp for welcoming freshmen. But the biggest lesson wasn’t about following packed schedules or pushups. It was about empathy, truly feeling what others are going through.…