Compassion Moves The World

Imagine this: sophomore year, college. I’m pumped to join the orientation committee, ready to be a mentor for new student. We trained hard, pushed our limits – think boot camp for welcoming freshmen. But the biggest lesson wasn’t about following packed schedules or pushups. It was about empathy, truly feeling what others are going through. Our theme that year was “Empati untuk Negeri” – basically, empathy for everything wrong with our country. We learned to ditch sympathy, that shallow “oh no” feeling, and really step into other people’s shoes.

Fast forward, empathy is still a buzzword in product management. We’re constantly told to understand our users’ pain points, their frustrations. Sounds awesome, right? Until your product launches, that is. Here’s the thing: empathy is a double-edged sword

When our users hit a issues, their pain becomes ours. Imagine this: a frantic user desperately transferring money for a loved one’s medical emergency. The transaction fails, and their anxiety becomes a tangible weight on our mind. The weight can feel crushing, especially when faced with a management team that doesn’t share the burden. This emotional disconnect can lead to a condition called compassion fatigue. It’s like the emotional armor worn by those who constantly witness suffering – doctors, nurses, and yes, even product managers. We learn to compartmentalize, to distance ourselves to survive.

It’s a harsh reality, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Compassion fatigue isn’t just a pandemic phenomenon; it can fester in any environment where results take precedence over human connection. Blame games and finger-pointing only putting more flames the problem. Slowly, empathy withers, replaced by a suffocating sense of frustration.

But there’s a way forward. The secret weapon? Vulnerability and compassion. Acknowledging the emotional weight of situations, validating user concerns, and showing genuine care are the threads that weave a more heartwarming narrative. Our empathy, even a quiet whisper in the face of a storm, can create ripples of positive change.

Imagine a workplace where frustrations are met with understanding, challenges are tackled collaboratively, and everyone feels valued. This is the transformative power of empathy in product management – it’s not just about creating stellar products, but about fostering a work environment that celebrates the human connection.

In the end, it’s the empathy that allows us to not just manage products, but to touch lives, embodying the spirit of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s words: “What I can do is very small, but it is all I can do. And I will do it with all my heart.”






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