Matters of Consequence: Journey to 30

I stumbled upon a tweet today that got me thinking about the age barrier in the workplace. It’s a problem that isn’t exclusive to Indonesia. While this country certainly has its share of job postings that discriminate against older workers, ageism seems to be a pervasive issue worldwide. I recall reading a study titled “Publish or Perish: Selective Attrition as a Unifying Explanation for Patterns in Innovation over the Career.” This research paints a fascinating (yet disheartening) picture of how productivity and innovation can peak in our early twenties and then gradually decline. This proves something that obvious in society, that people tend to have sprit of energy and innovation in their early days and the one who failed to take advantage of it will be left behind.

In our fast-paced world, we’re often caught up in a relentless pursuit of goals and milestones. We set deadlines, like “by age X, I should be Y.” While it’s important to have aspirations, do we ever stop to question if these goals are truly fulfilling and aligned with our values? Are we sacrificing our well-being and happiness in the race against time?

A Timeless Tale of Curiosity and Consequence

Le Petit Prince: French Edition: Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de:  Books
I recently revisited “Le Petit Prince,” a classic that I believe everyone should experience at least once. This enchanting tale has a unique quality: it’s a book that can be reread countless times, each time offering fresh insights and perspectives. Central to the story are two themes: matters of consequence and taming. While taming is often discussed, it’s the exploration of matters of consequence that truly resonates with me.

The prince’s journey takes him to neighboring planets, where he encounters eccentric inhabitants. Each character embodies a common human aspiration or obsession, yet their pursuits often seem trivial and meaningless. From the egomaniac to the alcoholic, the clown to the accountant, these figures represent the superficial desires that often consume us.
The Little Prince' Review: A Lovingly Imagined Adaptation of the French  Classic

However, the prince’s journey isn’t just about exposing the absurdity of these pursuits. It’s also about discovering the profound beauty and uniqueness of every individual. The geographer, with his understanding of the ephemeral, guides the prince towards this realization.

I’ve read “Le Petit Prince” at least five times over the years from middle school until last week, and it’s been a constant companion. Each time I revisit it, I find new connections to my own life experiences and a deeper appreciation for the story’s timeless wisdom. The innocence, curiosity, and simple yet profound thinking that the prince embodies are qualities we should all strive to maintain throughout our lives.

Tick, Tick… Boom! A Race Against Time

Our lives are fleeting, and we often find ourselves rushing through them as if time were our enemy. Tick, Tick… Boom!, a musical starring Andrew Garfield (yes, the Spiderman, and yes he can sing REALLY WELL), captures this relentless pursuit of success in a poignant and thought-provoking manner.

The film follows Jonathan Larson, a rising Broadway composer facing the pressure of turning 30. In the theater world, age can feel like a ticking clock, and Jonathan is determined to make his mark before it’s too late. His relentless drive is fueled by a deep-seated passion for his craft, and he’s willing to sacrifice almost anything to achieve his goals.

As he grapples with his career, Jonathan also confronts personal challenges. His best friend, Michael, is battling HIV, and his girlfriend is considering a move away. These experiences force him to confront his own mortality and the fragility of human relationships.

Despite these obstacles, Jonathan remains focused on his goal: to create a groundbreaking musical. He pours his heart and soul into his work, driven by a belief that his art can make a difference in the world.\

In a tragic twist of fate, Jonathan’s masterpiece, Rent, becomes a Broadway sensation. However, he tragically passes away just one day before its premiere, never witnessing the impact of his creation.

Tick, Tick… Boom! offers a exploration of the human desire for achievement. While Jonathan’s story is heartbreaking, the film ultimately celebrates his passion, dedication, and the enduring power of creativity. The film serves as a powerful reminder that life is precious and that it’s important to make the most of every moment.

Ephemeral Pursuits and Timeless Meaning

Both Le Petit Prince and Tick, Tick… Boom! delve into the ephemeral nature of human existence and the pursuit of enduring meaning.

In Le Petit Prince, the prince’s encounters with various eccentric characters highlight the superficiality of many human desires. The geographer, however, offers a more profound perspective, reminding the prince that the ephemeral nature of life should be embraced rather than feared.

Similarly, Tick, Tick… Boom! confronts the fleeting nature of time. Jonathan Larson’s relentless pursuit of success is driven by a fear of missed opportunities. However, the play/film ultimately suggests that true fulfillment lies not in achieving external goals, but in living a life of passion and purpose.

Both stories encourage us to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and find meaning in the simple things. They remind us that life is a journey, not a destination, and that the most important thing is to make the most of the ephemeral time we have.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?






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